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FAA Regulations


I hold FAA ATP with A320 type rating and private privilege ASEL.

Currently flying A320 in an foreign airline (outside US)  with VP-B (Bermuda registration). The airline like part 121, but juridically isn’t . Not under FAA regulations.


If I understood correctly § 61.58 I must complete proficiency check every 12 months on my type A320. 

I do my sim training every six months by company policy with the local instructors. 
Someone told me it doesn’t matter if the checker not FAA approved and sim doesn’t FAA approved.


I have a doubt, from my point of view, to be FAA A320 current (PIC or SIC whatever) I have to do training on only FAA approved simulator and with the FAA approved examiner.

Am I right?

If yes, how I can find approved training centres outside US, because it impossible to reach US due to COVID. 

6 Answers

  1. KDS on Sep 14, 2021

    I would be afraid to hazard an opinion on any foreign operation, however, you might try contacting one of the FAA’s International Field Offices. Here is a link to the contact points:


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  2. Kris Kortokrax on Sep 14, 2021

    Are you using your FAA certificate to act as PIC on the flights for the foreign air carrier? (I doubt that. You probably hold an EASA license).

    You need to know and comply with the regulations that govern the operation of the Bermuda registered A320.

    61.58 only applies to operations where you need to have and use an FAA pilot certificate.

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  3. su27 on Sep 14, 2021

    Thanks, KDS!

    Hi, Kris.
    No doubt, I’m going to operate as PIC using FAA certificate.
    Bermuda easily recognises FAA and validates it.
    So technically I’ll fly with Bermuda validation based on FAA ATP.
    But obviously I have to be current on my FAA certificate to exercise privileges.

    For the SIC privileges I’ve found answer in 61.55. So no need to use FAA Simulator and FAA examiner.
    For the PIC I couldn’t find same solution. Therefore need to find FAA approved place outside US.

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  4. KDS on Sep 15, 2021

    Just doing a Google search, I find this operator who has multiple A320 simulators in Fort Lauderdale, Florida:


    However, it seems that a question like this would be all researched and ironed out by your employer.

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  5. su27 on Sep 15, 2021

    No problem to find SIM inside US.
    Try to find FAA approved SIM OUTSIDE US. Even Google is powerless.

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  6. KDS on Sep 16, 2021

    This site has the FAA’s most recently published list of approved Part 142 simulators. Strangely enough, it does not list the type, but for your purposes, it does not matter since there are none of any type near you.


    Click on “Active FAA Certified Part 142 Training Center Listing” for the list.

    The Fort Lauderdale location is in the US, but it is the closest A320 simulator to your location.

    However, I keep coming back to the idea that you may be trying to solve a problem that does not exist. I would talk with your employer and call the FAA’s International Field Office before investing a lot of time and money into this.

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