ASEL Rating After Part 141 and Army Flight School
Asked by: Scuba_Sleeve 1403 views Private Pilot, Student Pilot
This may be a bit of a strange situation, so please bear with me.
I started civilian PPL school and completely finished a Part 141 school, received my packet and 141 school certificate, and scheduled my checkride. My father passed away before I could take the checkride, and shortly thereafter went to Army flight school. Now, a year and a half later, I’m a rated C-12 pilot and took the commercial exam. I’ll be receiving my rotor private, instrument, and commercial ratings in addition to AMEL private, instrument, and commercial ratings. During the C12 course, we also train in and take a checkride in a single engine (Grob 120TP).
My question is the following: Without dropping down to a Part 61, spending hours getting proficient in a new single engine at a local flight school, then flying the additionally required flight hours for Part 61, then finding a DPE for an additional checkride, would I now qualify for the ASEL sign off?
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