Would a temporary ATC tower NOT count towards my 3 solo towered takeoffs & landings??
Asked by: MrNomad 1745 views Airspace, FAA Regulations, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
I'm nearly done with my private pilot training and my checkride date is quickly approaching. Until this past weekend circumstances have kept me from being able to complete my three solo takeoffs/landings at a towered airport. Then came a large wildfire nearby, necessitating the need for the FAA to establish a temporary ATC tower and 5 mile controlled airspace around my training airport (normally non-controlled) to handle all the firefighting air traffic. A tower (a trailer) was brought in and manned, a NOTAM was issued and a tower frequency established to be used during tower operating hours (0800-2100 local).
I took the opportunity to wait until the tower was open one morning and, using proper ATC radio procedures, took to the air and completed my three solo takeoffs and landings.
My question: Is there any reason, or rule, to have this activity NOT count towards my PPL training requirements?
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