Should I get a second CFI?
Asked by: aflyingpanda 1461 views Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
I started my flight training in mid June, it’s been about a month and I’ve accumulated exactly 20 hours of flight time (still pre-solo, working on landings).
I’m hoping to get my license by mid-late September because I’ll start traveling after that and may not have enough time for training. But for now, I can train even for full day, 7 days a week.
however, the problem is with my instructor’s schedule, he’s been pretty busy, and the best i can get is like 2 lessons each week, so 4-5 hours per week. I don’t think I’m gonna meet my ‘deadline’ at the current pace.
So I’m thinking about having a second CFI and try to increase my time per week. I know there will be some ‘efficiency loss’ but the overall timeframe is the most important to me.
Should i talk to my instructor? How should i do this and what should i do? I mean he is a great instructor (probably this is why he’s so popular), and we get along pretty well. I can’t just tell him to push off other students for me, and i dont want to hurt his feelings. And also i dont want to make my 2nd instructor feel like he’s just a side as well…
but in the end, i really need to increase my time per week..
open to all suggestions/advices.
oh yeah i should mention, I’m not a US citizen, so picking another flight school would require the TSA thing….
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