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Should I get a second CFI?

Asked by: 1461 views Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot


I started my flight training in mid June, it’s been about a month and I’ve accumulated exactly 20 hours of flight time (still pre-solo, working on landings).

I’m hoping to get my license by mid-late September because I’ll start traveling after that and may not have enough time for training. But for now, I can train even for full day, 7 days a week.


however, the problem is with my instructor’s schedule, he’s been pretty busy, and the best i can get is like 2 lessons each week, so 4-5 hours per week. I don’t think I’m gonna meet my ‘deadline’ at the current pace. 

So I’m thinking about having a second CFI and try to increase my time per week. I know there will be some ‘efficiency loss’ but the overall timeframe is the most important to me. 

Should i talk to my instructor? How should i do this and what should i do? I mean he is a great instructor (probably this is why he’s so popular), and we get along pretty well. I can’t just tell him to push off other students for me, and i dont want to hurt his feelings.  And also i dont want to make my 2nd instructor feel like he’s just a side as well…

but in the end, i really need to increase my time per week..

open to all suggestions/advices.



oh yeah i should mention, I’m not a US citizen, so picking another flight school would require the TSA thing….

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3 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Jul 16, 2021

    Talk to your instructor. If he is, as you say, a great instructor, he will have no problem with the idea and may even help make the arrangements to reduce the potential inefficiencies (which often come down to a few stylistic differences).

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  2. John D Collins on Jul 16, 2021

    I am not sure, but if I recall, TSA only allows you to use a single training school, so if your current school you are receiving training at is what you are authorized to conduct your training, another instructor at that school, should not be an issue. If the instructor is the school because he is a free lance instructor, I think you can get a new instructor approved by TSA, but it is a process that does take time and I am not clear you can be receiving training from two schools at the same time. I would check out any limitations with TSA first.

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  3. Ramjet555 on Jul 26, 2021

    As a student, a CFI works for you, or should.
    Reality is many do not want to work as you expect
    or may be too busy.

    Do not sit on the ground for days or weeks waiting for
    that one CFI to come back to work.

    Ask to see your “training records”.
    If they don’t have any, then that’s a sign that
    you will see at most schools.

    Your school should put students first, which means
    if a CFI cannot fly with you, another should be assigned
    to be the back up.

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