Flying an IFR flight plan in VMC
Asked by: ack19104 2145 views FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
I have an instrument rating, and an instrument-capable plane, but I am not current. I got the rating mainly for safety, because other than penetrating an overcast layer, I would not intentionally fly into IMC.
Here on the east coast, there are many circumstances where it is advantageous to be on an IFR flight plan even if conditions are VMC, for example going in & out of the DC SFRA, or transiting the many restricted and class B airspaces. I honestly feel safer and more closely watched by ATC when I am on an IFR flight plan. I am not convinced that a VFR flight plan is of any value apart from search & rescue.
Is it permissible to file and fly an IFR flight plan, while not IFR "current", as long as the entire flight is VMC?
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