Can/Do Sport Pilot and Sport Pilot CFI additional rating proficiency checks conducted by a CFI count towards flight review and CFI renewal (non-expired)?
Asked by: Toby Rice 2093 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Light Sport Aircraft
Can/Do Sport Pilot and Sport Pilot CFI additional rating proficiency checks conducted by a CFI count towards flight review and CFI renewal (non-expired)?
I have researched countless pages and cannot find a clear answer. Maybe the answer is valid by exclusion of certain verbiage, but I still need the opinion of another.
I am a commercial pilot and (subpart H) CFI. I recently added sport (subpart J) pilot Rotorcraft Gyroplane to my pilot certificate as well as sport pilot CFI (subpart K) Rotorcraft Gyroplane to my CFI privileges.
I completed these additional category/class ratings through the proficiency checks required by 61.321 and 61.419. Both regs basically require the following:
1. Train to proficiency on the areas of operations with CFI #1 and get an endorsement to take the proficiency check.
2. Get with CFI #2 and take the proficiency check per the regs.
3. Fill out paperwork and mail it to the FAA.
4. Have CFI #2 sign your logbook with the endorsement of passing the proficiency check for that additional LSA category/class rating.
I did this for both sport pilot and sport CFI.
Now let’s look at the regs for flight review and CFI renewal:
Flight review: 61.56(d)
d) A person who has, within the period specified in paragraph (c) of this section, passed any of
the following need not accomplish the flight review required by this section:
(1) A pilot proficiency check or practical test conducted by an examiner, an approved pilot check
airman, or a U.S. Armed Force, for a pilot certificate, rating, or.
(2) A practical test conducted by an examiner for the issuance of a flight instructor certificate,
an additional rating on a flight instructor certificate, renewal of a flight instructor certificate, or
reinstatement of a flight instructor certificate.
To renew any CFI in subpart H or K, you follow the subpart H requirements in 61.197:
a) A person who holds a flight instructor certificate that has not expired may renew that flight
instructor certificate by—
(1) Passing a practical test for—
(i) One of the ratings listed on the current flight instructor certificate; or
(ii) An additional flight instructor rating; or
The rest of that reg isn’t applicable…
1. Does the proficiency check completed by a flight Instructor count for the flight review?
2. Is a flight instructor conducting the proficiency check considered an examiner?
3. Is the proficiency check considered a practical test?
4. Does passing the additional cat/class sport pilot CFI rating count as an additional rating for renewing my CFI?
I think the answer entirely depends on the definition of practical test, proficiency check, pilot proficiency check, and examiner.
what do you think?
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