10% Discount for AskACFI Visitors at Dauntless Aviation
Asked by: Dauntless Aviation www.dauntless-soft.com 4181 views Aerodynamics, Aircraft Systems, Airspace, Aviation Headsets, Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Helicopter, Instrument Rating, Light Sport Aircraft, Private Pilot, Student Pilot, Weather
Hello friends and users of AskACFI. We at Dauntless Aviation are the sponsors of AskACFI. We hope you like it and are especially grateful to those of you who share your expertise with the aviation community. As you might be aware, we make some great aviation products - including the best FAA Knowledge Test Prep, Pilot e-Logbook, and FAA Checkride oral exam preps in the business. We're currently experimenting with some new marketing initiatives to finally be able do what instructors, flight schools and the like have been begging us for for far too long - basically, we're in the process of setting up comprehensive affiliate and coupon programs. And, you here at AskACFI are our guninea pigs. There may be some minor rough edges, but this should work - visit
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Thank you all for your support and with spring and the easing of restrictions we'll all be flying again soon.
(please note that this code/offer is temporary and may be removed without notice)
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