Commercial Pilot in Different Countries
Asked by: zacjba 3766 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations
I currently am working on my CPL here in the U.S. under the FAA for an FAA-issued CPL. Eventually, I intend on getting my ATP to be able to fly wherever my career takes me. Say down the road I wanted to fly commercially in Europe, is it possible to hold a CPL with the FAA and the EASA, or would my only option be to convert from one to the other. Based on what I have seen it is a lot of work to get an EASA license even if you already have one from the FAA. It would be a bummer to lose my FAA CPL in the process. Long story short, ignoring currency and all, can I physically hold both the required and valid commercial licenses to work and fly under EASA jurisdiction for a European carrier while simultaneously still having my valid FAA CPL and likely ATP?
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