Multiengine OEI (One Engine Inop) PA44
Asked by: xiotee 2414 views Aerodynamics, Commercial Pilot, General Aviation
I have done some Piper Seminole time but I am struggling with some of the maneuvers (Steep turns, Slow flight). The yoke feels really heavy for me and sometimes I can't feel the trim working.
Anyways, one of the things I am really struggling with is the OEI. Setting up the aircraft for the Zero Sideslip (Half Ball Centered and up to 5 degrees bank to the operating engine) seems to be hard. I always end up with ball-centered but isn't ideal because it creates more drag compared to the Zero Sideslip. With this, I also confused about how to maneuver the airplane in one engine INOP. Let's say you are flying on one engine on the IAP with left engine INOP, you are currently in a bank to the left and half left rudder. If you want to correct to the right, what do you need to do? Release rudder and right aileron? I think I have been mixing things up.
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