Transitioning to Multi Engine PA-44-180
Asked by: xiotee 2157 views Aerodynamics, Aircraft Systems, Commercial Pilot
I just recently finished my instrument rating on a C172. I did my private training in a C152. I am transitioning to multiengine for my commercial and am really having a hard time. I am doing my multiengine training in a PA-44-180 Piper Seminole. The control feel is a big difference since the Piper Seminole is way heavy than the Cessna Single Engines. One of the things I am having a hard time the most is matching the manifold pressure and RPM settings since you need to match the L and R needles so that you have even thrust on both engines especially in the air during maneuvers when you need to be quick on changing the settings (Slow Flight, Stalls, Steep Turns). Is there any way to get through it aside from flying more?
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