Inop table KSAN LOC Rwy 9
Asked by: spwool 1808 views Airspace, FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
For the ILS Y or LOC Y Rwy 9 at KSAN...I see in the notes it indicates that “For inop ALS, increase all Cats visibility to 2 1/2”. The next line says “# Inop table does not apply to S-ILS 9”
Looking at the approach minimums there are: #S-ILS 9 shows 3/4sm minimums while S-ILS 9 shows 2sm for visibility mins.
The wording in the notes is a bit confusing. Does “# Inop table does not apply to S-ILS 9” mean that the vis penalty for Inop ALS need not apply to the 3/4mi or the 2mi? I am not clear on which approach mins to derive alternate minimums from.
Thanks in advance for any and all feedback.
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