How to log simulator time towards my commercial license
Asked by: Andrew Carrier 2429 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
I am a private pilot with a newly acquired instrument rating. I did some of my instrument training with an instructor who has his multi-engine CFI and is also CFII. He is not single engine CFI.
I have already done 20 hours sim time with him working towards my instrument rating. Since I can use 50 hours simulator time towards my commercial license (single engine), I wanted to take advantage of that and do more sim time with this instructor, but not sure how I could log it. We could do multi-engine training, but would that be able to count towards singe engine commercial time? Or if we did more instrument training could I count that time towards the 250 hrs? (Even though I already have my instrument rating)
Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!
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