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Can I use a make of aircraft (piper) on my checkride different from IACRA 8710 listed aircraft to be used (cessna)?

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FAA Regulations

When I completed my IACRA with my instructor we decided to use C172 for my CFII checkride. But due to some availability issues I am planning to use a PA28-161 instead. I have many hours on both aircrafts. Is the RI signed IACRA 8710 that has aircraft to be used  C172 good for the checkride or I need to complete a new one specifying PA-28-161?

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2 Answers

  1. Russ Roslewski on Jan 12, 2021

    I’m going to answer somewhat pragmatically:

    – My first intention would be to change it. It clearly says “Aircraft to be used”, so at first glance, yes, you should change it.
    – However, since the RI has already approved it, there is no way to just easily go in and change it. You could call the IACRA helpdesk and see if they can send it back, but I would probably call the DPE instead, they have additional powers and may be able to send it back.
    – The second option is to see if the DPE is okay with it staying as-is.
    – The third option is to create a brand-new application. This would have a side effect, though, of now having two approved applications in the system for the same rating. I would recommend you notify the DPE ahead of time about this so it doesn’t catch them by surprise.

    Note that all three of these options require discussing it with the DPE. So, regardless of what the technically correct answer is, I would just call the DPE anyway and discuss what the best option is in their experience. I’m sure the DPE has seen this kind of thing before and probably knows the easiest solution.

    When I had my CFI checkride, my paperwork was all done showing we were using a 172RG. While I was doing my oral, the airplane broke. So we ended up using a 172 non-RG for most of the tasks, then actually later that day the 172RG was fixed so we finished up in that. I do not remember doing a new IACRA to reflect the change in airplanes. However, that was a “day-of” change, not one with any advance notice like it seems you have. This was in 2012, so not ancient history, but I do know a few things have changed in the examiner’s processes. Plus, this was with an FAA inspector, so they may have even more power in IACRA than a DPE.

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  2. KDS on Jan 12, 2021

    I would recommend Russ’s third option. Why not make it clean if possible. If the RI had left for greener pastures and was no longer available, that is a different matter, but it is easy as pie if he is still available.

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