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Does Seneca 1 have the optional fuel tank?
Asked by: 1am_pilot 2015 views Aircraft Systems, Commercial Pilot, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot
I can't find the optional tank in POH Seneca 1. but can find the optional tank in Seneca 2 POH
Help me please
- Capacity :
Seneca l => 98gallon => Useable : 93gallon (each 46.5 gallon ) / Unuseable : 5 gallon (each 2,5 gallon)
Seneca ll=> 128gallon => Useable : Standard fuel tank93gallon (each 46.5 gallon ) + Optional tank 30 gallon / Unuseable : 5 gallon (each 2,5 gallon) => Total capacity 128 gallon / Total useable 123 gallon
This is right ?
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