Commercial Long XC – clarifying the distance requirements
Asked by: Jason Varley 2973 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations
Hi, I have searched through prior questions but couldn't find an answer that clarifies my question pertaining to the long XC flight required by 61.129(a)(4)(i) - A solo (or performing duties of PIC with instructor on board) in a single engine airplane cross-country flight of not less than 300nm total distance, with 3 landings, at least one of which is 250nm away from the departure point.
Can I meet this requirement by flying to an airport that is 263nm from my origin, eat and refuel, and reverse the route except make a landing somewhere along the route to satisfy the 3 landings requirement? The trip would be >300nm and includes 3 landings (1 of which is more than 250nm from the point of origin). My question is if my flight ends when I stop at the first airport for lunch and fuel, or does the round-trip count as one flight?
I suspect it is the latter but I don't see a definition in CFR 1.1 for "flight", only "flight time", so is it plausible to argue that the trip up and back is one flight with just a break to refuel the aircraft (and pilot) and therefore the whole "flight" is >300nm?
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