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3 Answers

Fixed wing simulator for Helicopter Instrument Rating

Asked by: 1705 views Instrument Rating

 I am about to get Helicopter Instrument Rating and want to cut some corners using simulator. We do not have any Helicopter Simulator in our state. Is it legal to get any of the instrument hours using fixed wing simulator?

Thank You,


3 Answers

  1. KDS on Oct 13, 2020

    Look at FAR 61.64(a)(1)

    61.64 Use of a flight simulator and flight training device.

    (a) Use of a flight simulator or flight training device. If an applicant for a certificate or rating uses a flight simulator or flight training device for training or any portion of the practical test, the flight simulator and flight training device–

    (1) Must represent the category, class, and type (if a type rating is applicable) for the rating sought; and

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  2. awair on Oct 19, 2020

    While 61.64 applies to the general requirements for additional ratings, 61.65 allows for more generic experience for the Instrument Rating.

    My understanding is that Instrument time (40 hours) can be either category. The cross-country is specifically stated as such. Only the 15 hours instruction in the Helicopter needs to be category/class.

    As for “cutting corners“, this is absolutely not the case. Basic I/F skills are transferable between single and multi, and also between categories.

    While you might not achieve the standard in the minimum hours by mixing categories, you will most certainly reduce the Helicopter hours (and $$$) required to achieve proficiency.

    Simulators are incredible tools, and at least double the efficiency of an hour’s training, by letting you get straight on task, especially for instrument time. Just make sure to use a spec that matches your helicopter config as closely as possible (eg 6-pack vs G1000).

    Good luck.

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  3. KDS on Oct 28, 2020

    Can you point us to the phrase or phrases that would allow the use of an airplane simulator in lieu of a helicopter simulator?

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