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Is it okay to ask a DPE for references (previous checkride students)?

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General Aviation, Student Pilot

I've gotten feedback about a DPE from multiple sources. It's not very positive. And in fact my student has heard the same and doesn't want to work with them as a result. Another DPE however has glowing things to say about this DPE.  Would it be inappropriate to ask the DPE to provide references that I could reach out to?  I'd really like to hear some positive feedback, and I'm sure there have to be those who are able to provide it.  The only way I'll know for sure is to ask the DPE directly for a few references.  But does that come across as insulting?  Or just biz as usual?

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4 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Oct 13, 2020

    I don’t think that asking a DPE for references will get you good information. I would ask active flight instructors at nearby flight schools to get useful feedback. There are DPE to stay away from and aviation is a small community, so the bad DPE are easy to find, so are the good ones.

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  2. Russ Roslewski on Oct 13, 2020

    I guess I don’t understand why you are even looking for references – you seem to already have references. Several people (presumably who have had checkrides with this DPE), have given you negative feedback. What more are you looking for?

    A “DPE having glowing things to say” about another DPE is a questionable endorsement. How many checkrides has the DPE flown with that other DPE? Maybe they’ve done some, but more likely is they’re just friends, or former coworkers, or something. I have friends that I think are fine pilots and great people, but I would never want them to be a DPE.

    Plus, if I was a DPE, and somebody asked me for references, I don’t know if I’d be offended, though it would be a strange request. But sure, I might provide you with a list of “references” – being a list of pilots who did great on their checkride. I’m not going to provide a list of those who tanked miserably, guessing that they might not remember the experience positively. It’s no different than providing references for a job interview – you don’t provide names of people who dislike you! So it wouldn’t be a useful sample anyway.

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  3. Dustin on Oct 13, 2020

    I agree generally with the comments. For sure, there are bad and good DPEs, just like there are bad and good CFIs. ALL the feedback I have gotten so far has been from CFIs. It’s hard to trust that though because I have NO frame of reference for those CFIs. Perhaps their students didn’t deserve to pass and would not have passed with another DPE? I would like to hear from students who have passed and done well on their checkride with this DPE so I can see “the other side of the story”.

    Does the FAA publish “game stats” for DPEs anywhere? Checkrides done, pass/fail percentages, etc?

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  4. KDS on Oct 13, 2020

    The FAA maintains, but does not publish \”game states\” for DPE\’s.

    But, here is another way to look at things. Sure, there are some DPE\’s who are so predictable that the CFI\’s will go through their questions and fly the test with the applicant so close to what they will see on game day that you can\’t tell the difference. Others vary their tests and ask real world questions and give you a complete and honest evaluation of those areas you have mastered and the areas that are weak.

    But when I see people worried about what DPE they are going to meet I ask them if they want their family to be flying with a pilot who slid by a practical test. It makes about as much sense as going to a doctor who just collects the fee and pats the patient on the head telling them they are in good health.

    I\’ve met DPE\’s who truly should not have been DPE\’s, but all of them were ones who were too easy and didn\’t adhere to the standards.

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