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5 Answers

Kane Aero MKVI-B

Asked by: 1953 views Student Pilot

 I teach a high school aviation program here on the field, and am new to the aviation world. 

I recently purchased a vintage Kane Aero MkVI-B Dead Reckoning (E6B)  flight computer. It is a work of art, all of the markings and writings are cut into the thick aluminum with a panto-graph engraver and then filled in with paint, man is it precise.   On the "Wind" side, at the 6 o'clock position, opposite the True Index, there is a Temperature conversion scale, its on the outside stationary section butted up next to the compass rose rotating ring.  Dead center of this temperature scale is indicated with a large black triangle with a zero inside it representing "0" Celsius, this triangle points upwards and touches the index lines for the degrees around the compass rose and it also has a R on the left side of the triangle and a C on the right side of the triangle. The Celsius markings are on the inside and the Fahrenheit are on the outside.

Nobody at my local airport has any clue as to what the purposes of the Triangle or the letters R & C are. Can you help ? Thank You

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5 Answers

  1. Gary Moore on Aug 27, 2020

    sheesh – the manul for that puppy is a thousand bucks!


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  2. Gary Moore on Aug 27, 2020

    also – the Air And Space Museum has one – they might be a resource for info…..they probably have the manual also…

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  3. KDS on Aug 28, 2020

    I dug out my old E6B and didn’t find anything that seemed to correspond to what you’re describing. If you could include a picture of the areas, we might have a better chance at an answer.

    Gary – I want to meet the person who buys that manual at that price. I’m sure there would be an interesting story associated.

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  4. Jeff Baum on Sep 15, 2020

    Took a bit of digging to find an image. But… my GoogleFu seemed to work today. Most of the Mark VIs apparently do not have this Temperature Conversion Scale, which is the scale along the bottom of the wind side. It is fixed. The triangle is Zero Celsius and is located exactly opposite of the “True Head” index. The “R” and “C” should be read as “RC” as in “Reciprocal”.

    I guess that it might be handy for figuring out reciprocal bearings, reciprocal of the radial, reciprocal of the runway, reciprocal of how your 401k is performing… 🤔

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  5. Jeff Baum on Sep 15, 2020


    Here is the link to an image of the wind side.

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