Meeting IFR long-XC reqmnt with over-night
Asked by: RobA61 1816 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating
Hey gang - have a question for the group and hoping to also find a legal interpretation. In the past, I am certain I have run across an FAA interpretation on this exact topic however I cannot find it via online search. Scenario: In pursuit of fulfilling requirement per 14 CFR 61.65(d)(2)(ii) IFR rating airplane 250nm XC, my student and I performed a flight as follows. SDL - SLC - AEG - FTW, 1,338 total miles, multiple weather systems, mountains, a lot of good ATC learning experiences. We met all requirements, IFR flight plans, ATC routing, and approaches at all destinations. The hang-up (for which I'm looking for interpretation/guidance): Due to density altitude, weather, and timing (all good teaching moments), we decided to stay overnight at SLC, and take on the rest of the trip the following day. So our entire route included an overnight. Will this meet the definition of a cross-country with the overnight included? I know the trip completed the following day (SLC-AEG-FTW) obviously meets definition, but we need that prior day's leg (SDL-SLC) to be in there for the IFR XC requirements (landing at 3 points). As mentioned, I swear I've seen an interpretation on the inclusion of overnights on cross countries in the past... I appreciate any and all feedback!
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