Logging Dual/Solo time in Mexico
Asked by: joesal 1448 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
Good afternoon,
I currently live and work in Mexico City, employed by the US govt. I've been researching how I can work towards a PPL while I live outside the US.
I can do ground school online and take the FAA written next time I'm stateside.
However, if I do the practical flight lessons with an instructor/flight school here, can I log those hours towards the requirements to earn a PPL?
Here is what I found for specific requirements:
I found a flight school here that has Cessnas that are also US registered, however I don't know if the instructors have a CFI rating from FAA or are only official within the Mexican govt. regulations. Does that matter? Can I still log (and have endorsed) my flight time from these instructors and have it count when I do my check ride (in the US)?
The regs mentioned "authorized instructor" a bunch but don't mention if that instructor must be based in the US or can be an instructor in another country that is a member state of ICAO.
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance!
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