CFI-Sport adding instruction in lsa seaplane (holds Private Pilot ASEL/ASES)
Asked by: seareypilot 1774 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Private Pilot
I know that typically a Sport Pilot instructor that become a CFI-Sport has to get a checkride from another CFI and endorsement to add seaplane instruction privleges.
What about the scenario where a Private Pilot that has land/sea/glider become a CFI-S and takes the checkride in a land only aircraft? Do they still need the additional checkride from a CFI or CFI-S and logbook endorsement to be authorized to teach in a light sport seaplane? I'm thinking yes the additional checkride and endorsement would be needed to teach in seaplane but a local CFI talked to thinks the existing Private Pilot Seaplane rating would eliminate the need for an additional checkride/logbook endorsement for seaplane, but would not eliminate the need for an additional checkride and endorsement for teaching gliders.
I think a checkride and endorsement would be needed for both teaching in a LSA seaplane and an additional one for teaching in a light sport glider.
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