8 Answers
Climb via SID and Top Altitude
Asked by: Matt C 4454 views FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
Reviewing the FAA's "Climb Via" FAQ, they say if I am cleared to "Climb via SID" and the SID has a Top Altitude, I'm only cleared to the Top Altitude until cleared higher. Does that include legs of the SID with altitudes higher than the Top Altitude?
For example, the Top Altitude of KSNA ANAHM1.LHS is 2000'. But the first pilot nav leg SLI-->POXKU is charted as 4000'. If I only ever heard from ATC, "Climb via SID," would I fly 2000' until SLI, then climb to 4000' for the charted leg? Or would I stay at 2000' until I received further clearance?
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