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Is my CFI LAZY or Normal?

Asked by: 2411 views Flight Instructor

Hmm... I think my CFI is lazy... I'm in 141 school, and previous CFI was not like this.


the CFI is like... I'll say him, and it does not mean that my CFI is male.


  1. He never checks the Training Course Outline and Standard Operation Procedure. (In part 141 school, the lesson plan is really strict and he never cares about the order and just finish courses in random order as the computer suggests.)
  2. He inputs wrong number (flight time) in computer's logbook. => I asked to correct it several times, and he does not acknowledge before I mention him, and he never cares about it after on.
  3. He does not do all the stuffs in TCO. He just do something by his own plan but it is so partial for check-ride I think. (I pay a lot to get my course!!. and he is just sitting there!! Almost he does not touch or talk... just doing his smartphone in the air and ground)
  4. His instruction is not in standard of the school (He is from another school, so he is qualified as CFI but does not follow or even cares little about the schools' rule.)


Um... He has nice things such as...

His personality is good. Kind, Humorous(I do not need humor though... I don't pay for that. I pay for the flight training!!) , Knowledge(He has passed CFI and If I ask him, he can answer it.)


Hmm. I don't know,, probably he is from part 61 school?? I have no experience in part 61 school. I have no bad feelings to part 61 school, but I think, if he is to be a CFI in part 141, he needs to follow the rules of the school.

I feel like I do the studying + CFI's work... He gets paid for working and not doing the work properly I think.... lol...


How do you think folks?

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3 Answers

  1. chackaviation on May 11, 2020

    I had a very strict CFI and then I had a layback CFI.-
    Technically, the student does the all the studying and just verifies that information with the CFI.
    But if the CFI does not seem to be whiling to work with you then you probably should change the CFI.

    I had a CFI once tell me that i knew too much and that i was ready. But the reality was that I was not ready at all. I quickly learn that it was my job to investigate and learn things on my own, i had to ask other friends and study/investigate for hours.

    Then I had a really cool CFI she was passionated and patient with me. I saw the big difference with her. She was whiling to go above and beyond to help me understand some of the materials. ( she didn\’t baby fed me, but she did see me trying and she would ask me how i study and she would advice me how prepare for the flight lessons. I learned that she was a CFI because thats what she liked to do and she was not there just for building flight time.

    Is he in that school just because he wants to gain hours to later go to the airlines ?

    based on what you said, this CFI might not have the \”chemistry\” with you.
    I would probably request to go flying with another CFI, and see the difference.

    But just like any relationship, i would not force it, and just break up and go find another CFI or flight school.

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  2. RobA61 on May 11, 2020

    Flight training is too expensive to waste on a sub-par CFI. By your description you’ve already decided that he/she is not meeting your expectations. Fire him/her and get a new one. If you want to take a preliminary action, maybe you can sit down with them and discuss your concerns. But it sounds like it’s time to move on.

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  3. F4EPhantom on May 12, 2020

    It should work both ways – in my case if I did not ” connect ” with a student i.e., I did not like their ” attitude “, I would recommend another CFI … Why/ because I really enjoy teaching people how to be safe pilots… it works best if I like the person… It should work both ways

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