Former Army helicopter pilot wanting to add PPL SEL – requirements?
Asked by: dpalm85 3677 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Helicopter, Private Pilot
I am a former Army helicopter pilot (CH-47D/F) that has since gotten out of the Army and have not flown in about 5 years. I have just over 1100 hours in rotary wing aircraft. I have all my records from my time in and fairly well kept personal logbooks. I did my Commercial Instrument Rotary Wing rating while in flight school under §61.73. I now want to get back into flying and get a single engine land rating. I’ve done a lot of searching and trying to read into the regs but it seems unclear what the requirements are. My understanding is that §61.63(b) applies here but it seems fairly vague about “completes the training”. Is this getting with a CFI and taking whatever time needed to get to a proficiency level for a check ride? Or are there specific amounts of experience as found in §61.109(a) that apply? I’ve tried to provide a robust explanation. Please let me know if other points of clarification are needed.
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