Can I count all of my flight hours that I gained from part 61 and 141 towards a part 61 commercial license?
Asked by: JJ The Pilot 2397 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
Hello CFI(I)’s
I am curious to see if I can count all my training hours, solo time, night hours, sim (FTD) hours, and cross country hours that I’ve gained so far towards my commercial license.
I did my private license at a part 61 school.
I’m doing my IFR at a part 141 school and I’m looking into going back to part 61 for my commercial license.
I also am planning on doing 14 hours of sim time on a FTD towards my IFR rating at the 141 school I’m doing my IFR at.
I just want to see if I can count all those solo hours, sim hours, cross country hours, dual training hours, night hours, and any other hours I may have that qualify towards my aeronautical experience requirement for the SEL commercial license. I know I need a total of 250 hours and some time in a TAA and 3 hours of instruction that are in preparation for the practical test, but can I include everything else towards my commercial ticket?
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