Corona Virus + Social Distancing: Are you Seeing any Changes in Activity Levels, Instruction, etc at your Flight School ?
Asked by: PedroThePilot 2080 views Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
By now everyone has heard of the Corona Virus COVID-19 and the term social distancing. If you are a student pilot, instructor, DPE, etc. what changes, if any, are you seeing in the level of training activity at your school.
Is dual instruction down, but student solo flights still at their usual levels? Are DPE appointments being affected? Are SIMS busier now than before? It is clear that many aviation events such as Sun-N-Fun are being impacted. I was just wondering to what extent this all is affecting student pilot training for the Sport Pilot, Recreational, and PPL certificates at your flight school.
I have been waiting for the unpleasant and windy cold weather to abate here on the East Coast, and now along comes COVID-19. It has given me pause to think about holding off at least on dual flying instruction for a bit. In a SIM I guess dual would be more manageable.
Any thoughts from students and instructors?
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