Private pilot checkride – logbook readiness
Asked by: Dustin 2166 views Flight Instructor, Student Pilot
I'm about to make my first referral for a private pilot checkride, and have been going through my student's logbook. As I reviewed the "areas of operation" listed in 61.107(b)(1), I discovered that, for example, the term "Postflight procedures" (item xii) isn't written anywhere in my student's logbook. However we've clearly covered it and my student clearly knows it. Could this kind of thing be a sticking point for the examiner? What other "gothcha's" have you experienced with logbook readiness that we should be preparing for? I'm already ensuring all the columns are totaled correctly (he's using a paper book rather than electronic), all pages are signed, all dual time is properly endorsed, all endorsements are present and accounted for, etc. Are there other areas that you've had issues with that I should be looking for?
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