Garmin G1000 vs GTN650 Equipped aircraft for Instrument Training; Which is Preferred?
Asked by: PedroThePilot 2538 views Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
So for IFR training, Dual Garmin G1000 vs Garmin GTN650 and dual Garmin G5s ??
At my flight school there are two aircraft that are used for the instrument rating.
One, a late model high wing Cessna, has dual Garmin G1000 screens and autopilot. It rents for a pretty penny.
The other aircraft, a low wing, has a Garmin GTN650 and two G5s, autopilot, plus various steam gauges.The rental on this aircraft is about 50 dollars less per hour. Cheaper for sure.
So, is the instrument rating learning experience on the G1000 plane going to be better and worth the premium over the GTN650 equipped plane? Either plane and a good instructor will get me there, but would I be giving up much by choosing the cheaper rental?
Opinions appreciated.
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