Commercial single airplane – add on – category and class – part 141
Asked by: cplane 1908 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations
Hello everyone
my question is regarding the cross country requirement for a add-on category and class commercial single engine airplane - part 141.
My plan is to fly from original point of departure A to destination B which is a total distance of 105 nm. On this flight I plan to practice maneuvers and some power off work at the destination airport. As long as this flight is 2 hrs in duration, that accounts for the first cross country requirement.
Now comes the tricky bit. Can I then shut the airplane down, refuel, wait for one hour after sunset and then fly from B to C and then back to destination A? A of course being the original point of departure from the first flight... or would the 2nd flight not count because it wouldn’t be considered the original point of departure because we just took that route from A to B?
Edit: apologies for the typos, wrote this on the mobile and is super small text.
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