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5 Answers

From Glider Pilot License to LSA Certificate

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Light Sport Aircraft

What do I have to do to get a LSA Certificate if I have a Glider Pilot License?

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5 Answers

  1. skyboyCFI on Jan 30, 2011

    This Sport Pilot PTS may help answer that question for you;
    You’ll need training in an LSA, a written, oral & practical tests, at a minimum.

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  2. Papa Echo on Jan 31, 2011

    This document doesn’t say anything what you need if you already have another license.

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  3. skyboyCFI on Jan 31, 2011

    Sorry P.E., The PTS is only a part of what you need to get a Sports Pilot Rating. I did not want to answer completely because I am unfamiliar with a Glider License. But like John explained in your other question, you can certainly find more information in the FAR’s. John points out “FAR 61.41 and 61.75”. You can start there and hopefully find the answer to your question if nobody else responds on here.

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  4. Terry Pitts on Jul 25, 2011

    Just like a power plane private ticket includes sport pilot, a glider private ticket includes sport pilot. Sport pilot glider to sport pilot power requires, I believe, simply training with one CFI in an LSA and a “test” with another CFI to add on that “rating.”
    Not a CFI, but somewhat familiar with the LSA world. Thought I’d lose my medical when I had to take blood pressure meds.

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  5. Papa Echo on Jun 01, 2013

    I found my old thread accidentally while I was looking for this theme again.

    I own a US Private Pilot License with the rating Glider. As Terry said before, this includes the Sport Pilot Certificate, because a Private Pilot License is a higher license.

    I read the regulations and found this in 14 CFR § 61.303 (I have shortened the long paragraph to the essential):
    If you hold … (2) Only a U.S. driver’s license … And you hold … (iii) At least a recreational pilot certificate but not a rating for the category and class of light-sport aircraft you operate, … Then you may operate … (A) That light sport aircraft, only if you hold the endorsements required in § 61.321 for its category and class, … And … (1) You must comply with the limitations in § 61.315, except § 61.315(c)(14) and, if a private pilot or higher, § 61.315(c)(7).

    Do you agree that an endorsement is all I need to fly single engine LSA?
    I went to a flight school and they tried to tell me that I must start from scratch (written test, minimum of 20 hours flight training, check ride with an FAA designated examiner), but I think they had no clue.

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