Less Traditional Planes for Student training for Private Pilot
Asked by: PedroThePilot 2130 views Aircraft Systems, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Student Pilot
So it seems a LOT of people got their PPL in a 150, 152, or a 172. And that's fine if they are available, affordable, and in decent condition. Same applies for Piper Cherokees and Warriors.
I know of a school where their 172 offerings are all super high end with G1000, autopilot, and more. All with an hourly rental of course to match what you are getting. Great maybe for the Instrument student; less so for the person seeking a private pilot license.
Another school has 150 beaters that, to put it politely, have seen better days. So that leaves some students considering planes that fall outside the Piper PA28 and Cessna 150/152/172 Trinity.
I'd like to hear from instructors, newly minted private pilots, and PPL students about other "affordable" planes for training. What do you think about their strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes that training plane you prefer such as a steam gauge 172 may not be available and you have to go for other offerings. I am thinking of:
Cessna 162 SkyCatcher
Grumman AA5 Traveler, etc
Vans RV12 S-LSA (Can be used for night VFR)
Kindly share your opinions and experiences.
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