Redbird “GIFT”- “Guided Independent Flight Training” Modules for BATD and AATD – Any Good?
Asked by: PedroThePilot 2709 views Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
So SIMS come in many flavors from the Basic (BATD) and Advanced (AATD) Aviation Training Devices, to the FFS or Full Flight Simulators.
So Redbird recently came out with a training gizmo called the Redbird GIFT or Guided Independent Flight Training. It is a small USB stick that you can plug into a BATD or full motion AATD. For the private pilot there are 33 modules that can previewed that have videos which you can watch at home via the web . You can then visit your friendly flight school, and run on of the modules on the SIM.
Redbird advises that these are to be used to complement and not replace the training a student receives from a CFI. The GIFT USB stick is available for the PPL as well as for the Instrument Rating. You can not run the actual flight modules at home on your computer; the GIFT USB has to be plugged into a Redbird BATD or AATD at the flight school. The sticks however can be used at home on your computer via the web to preview the video that accompanies each training module.
So... my question is this. Has anyone used the Redbird GIFT modules and what has your experience been? For students going for the PPL, how well do these GIFT flight modules integrate with the flight training you receive from your CFI while in the plane. Have you found them helpful or just so so ?
Here is the Link:
GIFT for Private Pilot includes 33 modules:
1) Introduction Flight
2) Straight and Level Flight
3) Changing Airspeed in Straight and Level Flight
4) Normal Turns
5) Normal Climb
6) Best Rate of Climb
7) Best Angle of Climb
8) Descent
9) Steep Turns
10) Taxi
11) Normal Takeoff
12) Crosswind Takeoff
13) Slow Flight
14) Rectangular Course
15) Turns Around a Point
16) S-Turns
17) Power Off (Landing) Stall
18) Power On (Takeoff) Stall
19) Basic Instrument Flight
20) Normal Landing
21) Crosswind Landing
22) Traffic Pattern Operations
23) Go Around
24) Rejected Takeoff
25) Emergency Approach and Landing
26) Short Field Takeoff
27) Short Field Landing
28) Soft Field Takeoff
29) Soft Field Landing
30) Lost Procedures
31) Instrument Climb, Descent, Turns to a Heading
32) Cross Country 1(Short)
33) Cross Country 2 (Long)
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