What is included in the hourly rate of a rental?
Asked by: PPG-CFI 2417 views Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Light Sport Aircraft
So, I'm a paramotor pilot & soon to be instructor. I've been flying for a few years now and I'm thinking of opening a flight school. I've been working on my business plan. But one thing that is hard for me to figure out is the cost breakdown and percentages for renting an aircraft.
Does anybody have a formula that they can pass on to help me figure out how much I should be charging?
Or even what is included in the hourly rate of a rental?
(I. E. Maintenance, Fuel/oil, Insurance......)
Seeking guidance on this issue.
Thank you Robert.
(Real quick background: In paramotor flight instruction, a student would generally pay a fixed price; for example $2,300 for the training and then heavily encouraged to purchase equipment right away to limit any type of gap between training.
The difference between my school vs others in my area is that I would offer rentals and most flight schools don't have and those that do require a deposit; 3/4 cost of the equipment.)
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