Looking for a Freelance CFI with a Cessna 150/152 in Central FL to train me for PPL
Asked by: imjustjeff 2476 views Flight Instructor, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
Hi everybody,
I am in NJ and looking to accelerate my flight training. I only work weekends usually. I am looking to make 2 or 3 trips to Central FL, where I have a free place to stay and fly 5 times a week (assuming VFR conditions) for 4-5 hours per day. I am already doing ground school. Just looking for a good instructor who's prices are reasonable for dual as well as hourly rental (wet). I looked up some flight schools down there and they are outrageous. I would do it in NJ, but weather this time of year is mostly crappy and there is only (1) C-152 and it is down right now for maintenance. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!
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