Instrument Rating Requirements (61 and 141)
Asked by: flyingtut 3090 views FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
Greetings CFIs:
I'm a Private Pilot with a total of 115 hours. About 40 of those were instrument training: some in SIM and some in a C172.
I haven't flown in 13 years, so I'm not current. However, I've decided to pursue my dream and become an airline pilot.
My question is simple:
What are the requirements for Instrument Rating?
13 years ago, and with as little hours as I had, my CFI scheduled my IR checkride, but I canceled it and never finished. That leads me to believe that I was ready and met the requirements. However, I keep seeing a requirement for 50 hours of cross country as PIC PLUS time with instructor. Is that true? If so, does that count towards the 250 for commercial time-building?
It'd be extremely helpful and much appreciated if a CFI can post a simple breakdown or screenshot of IR requirements under both parts: 61 and 141 (if there's even a difference).
Please and thank you very much in advance!
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