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4 Answers

CFI Checkride: Endorsement and Change of Airplane

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FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor

Hello everyone!

I did my CFI training at a school in North Carolina (in a Diamond DA20), but had to discontinue my oral portion. We could not find a new date and Hurricane Dorian was about to hit Florida (where I’m from). So I decided go back home. 
I contacted a school here to set me up with a local checkride. They use Cessna 172’s and said I can just get a couple flights in with them and then I can take my checkride. 
This is all based on my initial CFI endorsement/sign off and discontinuance letter. 
Now they are saying, that the endorsement is not valid anymore, because it is a different make and model and want me to do more ground school in order to receive a new sign off for the practical test. 
It is my understanding, that the endorsement is still valid. Now the debate is about the different make and model. 
School in NC says I’m fine. 
Schools in FL says this will not work. 
Both are two major flight schools, - I’m confused on who is right. 
Can you and the group shed some light on this? 
Many thanks 

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4 Answers

  1. Russ Roslewski on Sep 24, 2019

    Do you mean discontinuance, or disapproval? A “discontinuance” during the oral seems unusual unless you got sick or something.

    For a discontinuance, no additional endorsement is required, and the checkride endorsement does not specify make and model, at least if the sample in AC61-65 was followed (does your endorsement actually have the make and model in it?). However, the IACRA application does list the make/model you’re taking the checkride in – if changing that requires reaccomplishing the form (and having a CFI sign it) then I can see them requiring some training before doing so. I don’t know if the DPE can change the make-model when they’re doing their part of the IACRA application; I’ve never had this situation.

    Otherwise, I don’t see where additional ground training would be required, however, it’s their airplane, their rules. They are free to require any kind of “checkout” policy they want if you are to rent their airplane. However, you say you live in Florida. There have to be a million flight schools in FL, just find another one and ask them.

    For a disapproval, a re-endorsement IS required confirming you have been provided the training in the deficient items.

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  2. Mark Kolber on Sep 24, 2019

    I think Russ gave a new answer, if you need anew endorsement, a CFI would be well within his rights to require some dual before endorsing that you are ready for the practical test.

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  3. Best Answer

    KDS on Sep 25, 2019

    I go right along with what Russ and Mark wrote, but let me just add this:

    Why not call the examiner and ask him or her. Regardless of what we think or what the rules are, if the examiner isn’t sure of the answer, then everything comes to a stop. I’ve seen many times where an examiner will be faced with something new or odd and rather than risk doing it wrong, they will wait until they get guidance from their POI or someone in the FSDO. I’ve even seen it happen when it is an inspector giving a practical test. Now, just imagine you show up on Saturday and spring this on the examiner and they decide they need to contact the FAA. Nobody answers the phone at a FSDO on the weekend. Saturday is a prime day for examiners to do checks. The examiner is all messed up now and not too happy. The FBO now has an aircraft sitting and not making money that they could have booked with someone else. They are not happy. You are not happy. Nobody is happy. Talking with the examiner in advance might avoid all that unhappiness.

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  4. CarsonAviation on Oct 12, 2019

    I’m not sure how an endorsement for a CFI ride that has a restriction for a specific type would legally be enforceable. You’re a rated pilot and don’t need any endorsements to fly a non-high performance, non-pressurized, tricycle gear, single-engine piston aircraft less than 12,500 pounds. No CFI has the right to take away your right to fly an aircraft for which you are rated with a checkride endorsement.

    As long as your notice of discontinuance is still within the 60-day time limit, you should be able to provide any suitable airworthy aircraft for your checkride without any new endorsements.

    It is true that the IACRA will get messed up. Print yours out and line through the aircraft type and change it. They are still required to accept paper if you choose to do a paper 8710. Alternatively, call your FSDO and have them change it.

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