4 Answers
CFI Checkride: Endorsement and Change of Airplane
Asked by: floridapilot84 3171 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
Hello everyone!
I did my CFI training at a school in North Carolina (in a Diamond DA20), but had to discontinue my oral portion. We could not find a new date and Hurricane Dorian was about to hit Florida (where I’m from). So I decided go back home.
I contacted a school here to set me up with a local checkride. They use Cessna 172’s and said I can just get a couple flights in with them and then I can take my checkride.
This is all based on my initial CFI endorsement/sign off and discontinuance letter.
Now they are saying, that the endorsement is not valid anymore, because it is a different make and model and want me to do more ground school in order to receive a new sign off for the practical test.
It is my understanding, that the endorsement is still valid. Now the debate is about the different make and model.
School in NC says I’m fine.
Schools in FL says this will not work.
Both are two major flight schools, - I’m confused on who is right.
Can you and the group shed some light on this?
Many thanks
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