“Report established on hold” vs “report established on LOC”
Asked by: Roman Konyushenko 3664 views FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
I have got this issue on IR check ride. I fly to Delta airport for doing ILS approach. There was no published hold on FAF but controllers usually use FAF as holding point. Teardrop entry was expected, i asked Tower for ILS for training (there was no IFR flight plan), and he answered "..... report established on hold".
I have newer heard such instruction before, and it was stupid to ask DPE about. So i did common mistake: answered what i expected to hear: "Will report established on localizer". And got "point" from DPE at the same time.
I reported "established on hold" when crossed fix on inbound leg. It was found out that tower had some student on pattern so he asked me to do one more circle on hold. I did, reported passing FAF, and last of the approach was uneventful.
My question is when should I report "established on hold": when first time passed FAF entering holding pattern, or when I actually did it, on inbound leg? If I did it actually correct, what in this particular case was the difference between "established on hold" vs "established on localizer"?
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