Should a CFII log sim instruction in their CFI column?
Asked by: Pugz 2249 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
Hi! I am a CFII. I often give instruction in various BATDs and AATDs as part of an instrument ratings before doing the lessons in an actual aircraft.
61.1 defines "flight training", "instrument training", "ground training", and "training time". The FAA clearly defined the training, but not what counts as instruction for an instructor to log it, nor is this mentioned in 61.51. In my eyes, if I'm giving anything that counts as "flight training" or "instrument training", especially since the definition of "training time" includes specifically "(iii) In a flight simulator or flight training device from an authorized instructor.", and I'm signing a student's logbook for "dual received," which requires a flight instructor certificate to make that signature, then I can log this as CFI or "dual given".
My question is simple, but I have yet to see a letter of interpretation on this specifically, so please help me out: should I log the simulator instruction given in my CFI column in my paper logbook, alongside flight training given in aircraft, that counts toward my total dual given? I don't need the ours for anything and it's easy enough to separate it out on my electronic logbook as needed, but I don't want to mess up my paper logbook or have any questions come up later on.
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