Hours Needed and is Instructing Necessary?
Asked by: Roadtoknowhere 3169 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Helicopter, Student Pilot
Hi there,
I am soon to be starting my rotor wing training and I'm trying to do as much research as possible before hand. My main goals of the research are to: 1)Make sure I do not run out of funds and 2)Meet all the requirements to be able to start a career in this industry. I've got 106 f/w training hours logged from about 15 years ago, and do NOT hold a private pilot. Those hours met all the requirements at the time and I was scheduled for my private pilot test ride.
My questions are:
- How many helicopter specific time hours are required to obtain a CFI/II?
- How many helicopter specific time hours are required to work as a CFI/II?
- I understand minimums are not always the actual time it can take someone to be able to perform the skills required. Will my previous hours contribute to any savings in my training if I'm proficient and can complete everything within the minimums?
- Why does the U.S. model of progression go from learning to instructing and skip working in the industry? In my research I'm finding it to be rare to find a job other than instructing here in the U.S. until you've reached what I see as an arbitrary total time that insurance companies will accept. I'm willing to instruct and will enjoy it if I go that route. I'm curious about other possibilities, as well, wondering why one way of going about it is so prevalent, and would like to learn about other ways of getting into the industry.
I am also learning in my research, and in all life's endeavors, to be humble. I have my opinion (and am open to changing it), and I'm hoping to hear more than just mine, as I know I don't have all the information. I appreciate any information in regards to my questions, and definitely any input in regards to my last question/statement.
My ultimate goal is to understand what I'm getting in to so I can give it everything I've got and make the absolute best out of it. Ultimately, being able to fly is an incredible opportunity, and the fact that we have that as an option to also make a living I am grateful for.
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