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4 Answers

How is it that I received my Commercial Single/Multi ratings with less than 250 TT??

Asked by: 1644 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations

How did I get my CPL single and multi with less than 250 hours? I admit when I was in training, i did not pay attention much to the fact that i had less than 250 tt. I always thought FTD hours counted towards it but now a few years later, ive been through more life and am in the process of getting proficient again. Im updating my logbook for the first time in 3 years and noticed that i only have 249 hours tt and 51 hours FTD. I know now that FTD time does not count towards TT so why is it that i have both my commercial ratings? i am a bit rusty and have forgotten where to look.

4 Answers

  1. Timothy Broadwater on Aug 22, 2019

    Likely a part 141 school. 250 hours is part 61 mins.

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  2. John Scarry on Aug 23, 2019

    Your assumption about using FTD time to satisfy the time requirements is incorrect.

    ยง61.51 Pilot logbooks.
    (a) Training time and aeronautical experience. Each person must document and record the following time in a manner acceptable to the Administrator:

    (v) Training received in a full flight simulator, flight training device, or aviation training device from an authorized instructor.

    (c) Logging of pilot time. The pilot time described in this section may be used to:
    (1) Apply for a certificate or rating issued under this part or a privilege authorized under this part; or

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  3. Mark Kolber on Aug 24, 2019

    Can’t really tell without seeing your logbook, but, while FTD time does not count toward total flight time *generally*, 61.129 has subsections which permit *crediting* a certain number of FTD hours to the commercial requirements.. Depending on what those provisions said at the time most if not all of those 50 hours probably counted toward the 250.

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  4. Dauntless Aviation www.dauntless-soft.com on Oct 29, 2019

    We at Dauntless Aviation are the sponsors of this site. Among our many products is our Safelog pilot logbook system (www.PilotLog.com). One of the many neat things that Safelog does is that it automatically compares your aeronautical experience requirements against the federal aviation regulations for most major checkrides (practical tests) private pilot through ATP, airplane and helicopter. This can save you dozens of hours of time or, even worse, embarrassment in front of a pilot examiner. For example, for practical tests with a cross country requirement, safelog produces a very exact list of all your qualifying flights so that you don’t just get a number, but also a very clear “proof list.” No other eLog does this.

    Please try a free demo of Safelog today at http://www.PilotLog.com or http://www.SafelogWeb.com. Works for all platforms and your data syncronizes across all seamlessly for maximum availability and reliability.

    To see the practical test analysis parts in action, sign in to a Safelog demo account at safelogweb.com and click on “currency.”

    Thank you for supporting AskACFI by looking into Safelog!

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