2 Answers
§61.129 – CPL Aeronautical experience – which hours count?
Asked by: gerhardm 2385 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations
I am working to finish up my commercial certificate (SEL) and have some questions about §61.129
After obtaining the PPL and before starting the CPL training I did the following training / flights which might count towards the requirements of §61.129:
- A couple of hours of night VFR training with more than 10 landings (with and without CFI; airport with operating tower) as described in §61.129 4(ii)
Question: Do this hours count toward the requirements §61.179 4(ii)?
- I also did some hours of training in a complex aircraft to obtain the complex endorsement (with CFI)
Question: Do this hours count toward the requirements §61.179 3(ii)?
- I did a solo cross country flight which fulfills the requirements of §61.129 4(i) before I started the commercial training.
Question: Does this cross country flight count for §61.129 4(i)?
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