CFI logging time flying with instrument student
Asked by: RobA61 2906 views Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating
Hi all - newer instructor here (received CFI in Feb). I am in the middle of prepping for my double-I, and have been given a new instrument student meanwhile. I know that I am allowed to fly with him based on the FARs stating that only 15 of 40 instrument hours need to be with a CFII. My question is: what is the appropriate way for me and my student to log Dual time? I tried to get answers from 14 CFR 61.51. Am I to log Dual Given although I'm not an "authorized instructor" for instrument teaching? And also, is the student able to log Dual Received under the same context? Certainly there will be some non-instrument "dual instruction" received on any flight with a CFI. Also, I think I was able to answer my own question on logging PIC, given the fact that, if I'm not acting as an instructor, I would be a safety pilot and would log PIC time under that context.
Thanks in advance!
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