Cause of Prop Strike and Training to Prevent
Asked by: David R 2324 views Aerodynamics, General Aviation
Hi - I am a 200 hour TT private with a new MEL rating that has recently started my IFR training in a Seneca II (multi-engine). I took about 14 years off from flying before getting back in it recently and have about 50 hours in past 6 months. I did my first solo in the Seneca and had no problems staying in the pattern and doing 10+ landings. A week later after 1.4 under the hood i dropped my CFI off and went on a x-country landing at 1 airport. I then headed to another airport and had a hard landing with a bounce or two (or more) and struck the right prop. I went around and landed safely.
I feel pretty comfortable flying the plane and I've done 30+ landings with no problems in the plane. I'm looking for any insights into what would have caused the strike - was i too fast, too slow, too flat, or what? From what i can remember my speeds and overall approach wasn't unusual. I do remember being somewhat "startled" when i hit the ground during my flare vs. the usual float i would have. The plane then bounced, came down again, and went back up. At that point i knew i was "porposing" and hit the throttle to go around.
Looking for any advice from experienced CFI's on what could be the possible causes. Also I've been doing research for any advanced training for landings or if there are any "landing drills" i can do to really make sure this doesn't happen again.
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