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Intercept a GPS Waypoint

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Aircraft Systems, Commercial Pilot, General Aviation, Student Pilot

I need help from anyone who has experience intercepting a GPS waypoint. Check ride coming up and I need to able to intercept a GPS waypoint as given by the examiner. As stated by the flight test outline.

Also, I need to switch from en route to terminal mode. I thought it did this on its own but I want to know how to switch it if I have to, so far all I have used is the iPad simulator for the GTN 650, which is what is installed onboard. 

I found out I can switch from VLOC to GPS mode, what exactly is VLOC and how would I use this mode. I know that's a beginner topic but I would appreciate a solid explanation. Thank you!

1 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Jun 07, 2019

    I’m sorry, but you cannot possibly have a “checkride coming up” soon and have questions like “what is VLOC.” “Intercepting a waypoint” doesn’t even make sense.

    It’s time for some basic ground instruction in the use of the equipment, not a bunch of one sentence answers like, “VLOC” means ‘VOR/Localizer’ for when you are flying a ILS,” which it appears you have never done using the GTN.

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