Airspeed on approach
Asked by: xboss1738 1927 views Flight Instructor, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
Hey guys! Please forgive me in advance for asking what will seem like such a stupid question...
I'm having a hard time grasping airspeed on approach to landing. I'm flying a piper archer, and the recommended approach speed says 75 kts with a short final speed of 66kts...
When I'm abeam the numbers downwind I decrease my RPM to 1700 rpm and trim to 85kts....then turn base and maintain 80kts. Then I turn final and get the airplane stabilized for 75kts. Something feels incorrect here... if the checklist is telling me short final should be at 66kts.....shouldn't I START my approach at 75 when abeam the numbers, THEN on base maintain 70, then on final be at 66?? Any imput would be greatly appreciated, I'll obviously ask my instructor this as well, but I also want to hear from you guys as well! Btw reason why I'm asking is cause I'm struggling to land and it just feels as if I'm too fast. I'm almost at 20hrs pre solo student.
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