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4 Answers

Use of yaw bar in low visibility take off

Asked by: 2176 views Commercial Pilot

In commercial operations (airlines) if during low visibility take off required visibility drop to zero due to patches of fog should we reject or can continue take off with the use of yaw bar.

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4 Answers

  1. KDS on May 11, 2019

    I will take a stab at it but I do not guarantee that what I am saying is correct. I am just basing it on related experience.

    I believe the answer would be whatever is specified in the company operations manual. I will also venture to guess that it would include before this point (speed) or after this point qualifier.

    Hopefully someone will come along and give you a better answer. If not, you might ask that question at http://www.jetcareers.com That is a site that has a sprinkling of current airline pilots involved.

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  2. Kris Kortokrax on May 12, 2019

    OpSpec C078 deals with lower than standard takeoff minima. It is described in Order 8900.1, Volume 2, Chapter 18, Section 5. fsims.faa.gov

    It appears that the lowest that can be authorized is 300 RVR if using a HUD (Heads Up Display).

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  3. saeed340 on May 13, 2019

    Noted with many thanks
    The lowest vis with HUD and approval by authorities is 75 meters.
    My question is if during take off roll visibility become zero legaly should reject or continue take off , in some company operations manual strictly written reject take off and in some of them you are allowed to continue by use of yaw bar, i need a regulatory reference.

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  4. Kris Kortokrax on May 13, 2019

    I’m only dealing with U.S. regulations.

    135.225 (f), (g) & (h), 121.651(a) and 91.175(f) all deal with takeoff minima.

    Nowhere in any of these, nor in operations specifications is there any mention of allowing an air carrier to take off in zero visibility. As I said earlier, the lowest takeoff minimum is 300 RVR when using a HUD.

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