Lost physical Logbook – have online backup, legality question
Asked by: bc199 2090 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot
Hello, I apologize If this question has been asked, i've tried a brief search with nothing exactly like this situation.
I have lost my initial logbooks for PPL, HP Endorsement, and a good amount of Instrument training recd. I've got all of the times and comments backed up on zulu log, including the CFI(I)'s name, and certificate number. FAA regulations require training time to be logged and endorsed by the CFI with a signature.
My question is: are the online records and paper records (after I duplicate them to a new logbook) sufficient without the signature of endorsement?
Another option i've conceived is to fill out a completely new log book based on the online records and attempt to track down all the CFIs and have them either endorse the book directly again, or to send them a letter of verification of times, have them sign and get it motorized and then keep that in my log book.
Thanks in advance for your help and input!
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