Lost Communications altitudes during a SID with hard altitudes
Asked by: Scott Campbell 1988 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
The FAA says altitudes during lost communications should be the highest of the route segment being flown->Assigned, Minimum, Expected. What if the SID has a hard altitude (or at least a bracket to remain betwteen) such as during the KLAS BOACH 8 departure out of Mc Carran Intl? If I had an expected altitude of FL 180 for example 10 min after departure, and at 10 min after departure, I go lost comm and I had not yet reached BAKRR, would I be expected to stop my climb at 7000ft MSL or continue climb to FL 180? I feel like I should stop at 7000 since there is a reason (special use airspace or maybe crossing jet routes) that I have a max altitude. I couldn't see this specifically worded in the FAA CFRs.
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