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4 Answers

Hired as a CFI and Red Green Colorblind?

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Flight Instructor

I'm unable to find any information online after hours of research. I'm a Red/Green color blind SEL Commercially rated pilot. I'm still going to finish up my CFI rating because I love learning and don't think it will harm me to have it.

Will a flight school hire me knowing this is a limitation of mine. Flight schools are hurting and I can't imagine they would be unwilling to hire considering a PPL student only needs 3 hours of night and this could easily be done with another instructor. As a CFI I wouldn't be the PIC anyhow.

Can any flight schools enlighten me on this situation? Thank you.

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4 Answers

  1. KDS on Apr 16, 2019

    The whole world works on the principle of supply and demand. Given today’s market, I doubt it will even be a blip on the radar screen. However, if you have aspirations of going to work for the airlines, that would almost certainly be a disqualifier.

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  2. Best Answer

    Max Trescott on Apr 16, 2019

    CFIs are in very short supply now, and the market for CFIs hasn’t been this tight since 2000. I think most flight schools would jump at the chance to hire you; just let them know your lessons will have to finish before civil twilight. BTW, you would be PIC when flying with a student pilot, though that has no bearing on your question.

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  3. ayavner on Apr 17, 2019

    I like your attitude though, definitely nothing wrong with gaining as much knowledge and skill as you can, regardless of where it leads! That is a very good quality in a CFI in my opinion. I say this as a perpetual student and a newbie CFI myself

    I assume the restriction is noted on your commercial certificate – I believe there are certain types of colorblindness that you can take a qualifying test for in order to have that restriction removed – I know of a student in the area that did just that thing, i can ask him for details if you haven’t looked into it already. Maybe even give the folks at http://www.leftseat.com a call and see if there are options.

    just my .02c, but yeah if there is a way to get the asterisk removed, why not?


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  4. Mark Kolber on Apr 18, 2019

    I join with the others that with the shortage of instructors now and the shortage of really good instructors always, a flight training operation will likely accommodate you.

    But unlike Max, I dint think this point is tangential: Why do you think you would not be PIC while training a primary student pilot?

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