‘Partial panel’ situations in G1000 for IFR Checkride?
Asked by: Samuel L 7503 views Aircraft Systems, Instrument Rating
Hello fellow aviators,
I have my IFR Checkride approaching in just over a week and I was wondering if anyone with experience of the flight portion using a G1000 aircraft had any insight regarding the partial panel portion (I.e. ACS task VII.D). It seems that there are really 2 options: (1) to dim the lighting for specific or entire areas of the PFD or MFD (or to pull circuit breakers - no thanks!), or (2) to use adhesive stickers to cover up certain instruments and to then use whatever you’ve still got (standby instruments, mag compass, etc). My instructor and I flew to Sporty’s to buy the stickers and have trained using option (2). If the DPE were to say something along the lines of “whoops, there goes your PFD!” and cover the whole thing up, could I justifiably just turn on reversionary mode and look at the ‘new’ PFD on his side? A lot of questions, so I’ll leave it at that. Thanks in advance!
Link for g1000 stickers: https://www.sportys.com/pilotshop/safe-discount/glass-cockpit-inop-stickers.html
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